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    辽宁阜新华艺润滑油生产有限公司是一家集润滑油研发生产销售为一体的综合性企业,以“派克”“远驰龙”两大品牌为主,目前生产产品有摩托车机油、汽机油、柴机油等众多车用机油。 “派克”“远驰龙”两大品牌润滑油采用进口加氢油为基础油,以高性能清洁剂、高温抗氧剂及中性添加剂精心调制而成,有效利用中性添加剂的极性,牢固地吸附在金属的表面,形成一层坚韧的保护油膜,极好地改善了润滑油的抗磨性、抗腐蚀性和润滑性,同时还具有节能性能。众所周知,发动机70%以上的磨损都来自于长时间驻车以后的冷启动,而我们阜新华艺润滑油生产有限公司生产的润滑油通过了中华人民共和国知识产权局注册认可的科技发明专利配方(专利号:02110112.4)并经过先进的生产工艺精心调制成的一种高科技产品,只要您将此产品加入发动机后,将发动机启动怠速运转10分钟,通过发动机工作加温、齿轮的搅拌,机油泵的压力飞溅,将润滑油所含的磁性添加剂转化为一种磁性物质,附着在发动机内部的元件表面,避免发动机长时间驻车时,机油回流的问题,使发动机在冷启动时仍有足够的润滑油膜,从而大大减少了发动机在冷启动时的磨损,也能大幅度延长发动机的使用寿命,降低使用成本,并且还具有闪点高、低温流动好的特点。

Fuxing Huayi lubricant producing co.,ltd, Liaoning is a comprehensive enterprise which gathered with producing and selling. The main brands are “PaikeP and “Yuanchilong” and now produce motorcycle engine oil, steam engine oil and API CF.

“Paike” “Yuanchilong” brands use the aboard hydrogenated oil as the base oil. It modulates as the high cleaning performance, high temperature and antioxidant. It also highly efficient use the polar of neutral additives which absorb in the mental surface constanly to form a tough oil protecing membrane. It improves the lubricants’ antiwear, anticorrosivity and lubricant ability and also has the performance to save the energy.

As we all known, 70% of the engines’ wearing is from the cold start for the long time parking. But Fuxing Huyi lubricant uses the patent formula which has passed the integrity ARIOP (Patent Number: 02110112.4) and the lubricant has been carefully moduled from the advance process as a high tech products. You just need to add this product to the engine and start the engine for 10 minutes. Through the heating by engine, stiming by the gear and the pressure splash by the oil pump. We change a magnetism adding materials into a magnetism things which could attched to the engine inner surface to avoid the oil backflow problem when the engine parkes a long time. It makes sure the engien still has enough lubricant membrane while it cold strats which decreases the wearing for engine cold start and also greatly improve the lifetime for the engine. It reduces the using barget and has the characteristic of high flash point and floww smmotly at the low temperature.

公司名称: 辽宁省阜新市阜新华艺润滑油生产有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 辽宁/阜新市 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 1999
经营范围: 摩托车机油、汽机油、柴机油等众多车用机油
配件 / 配件厂